Half of work-related ill health is down to stress, depression or anxiety. Find out how and why you should tackle it.
There are three main reasons employers should look to prevent work-related stress and support good mental health; it’s the law, it’s good for business and it’s the right thing to do.
Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, the law requires all employers to prevent work related stress to support good mental health in the workplace. Failing to manage stress at work can cost employers in reduced productivity, sickness absence, or even losing a valued member of the team.
The Working Minds campaign brings together a range of tools and support to help businesses and workers understand the best ways to prevent work related stress and encourage good mental health.
Register for our free online learning for employers that brings the Working Minds campaign principles to life. It’s based on the principles of risk assessment, with a focus on five steps: Reach out > Recognise > Respond > Reflect > Make it Routine.
The bitesize online learning is made up of six short modules that guide you step by step, with helpful tools and practical resources. You’ll come away with an understanding of what the law requires of employers and what you need to do to be compliant. Learn something new, refresh your existing knowledge or share with others to spread the word and help drive change across Britain’s workplaces. Register and get started today.
Learn more about the Working Minds campaign
The Working Minds campaign has been created by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Britain’s national regulator for workplace health and safety is committed to improving the health of workers brings together a wealth of partners. Watch the short video to get up to speed: