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Health in construction webinar available on demand

Health in construction and HSE’s ‘Your health. Your future’ campaign webinar is now available on demand Construction is a high-risk industry for health issues. Every year more working days are lost due to work-related illness compared to injuries. Building on HSE’s July webinar on respiratory health and the ‘Dust Kills’ campaign, this webinar covers moving […]

The Burnt Chef Project joins Working Minds campaign

The Burnt Chef Project has joined forces with our Working Minds campaign to tackle work-related stress in the hospitality industry. The Burnt Chef Project will use Working Minds in its efforts to help hospitality professionals, who face long antisocial hours, tough environmental conditions and pressures to perform are just some of the issues on a […]

British Aggregates Association joins HSE’s Working Minds campaign

British Aggregates Association (BAA) has signed up as a Working Minds partner to support the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) campaign to tackle work-related stress in quarrying and mining. Work-related stress and poor mental health risk becoming a health and safety crisis for Great Britain’s workplaces, the regulator has warned. Statistics published by HSE show […]

Blog: How are you really?

By Sarah Meek, Managing Director at Mates in Mind As Managing Director of Mates in Mind, I know the impact that poor mental health combined with an unsupportive or uninformed workplace can have on an individual working in construction. Whilst there are well publicised statistics around the increased prevalence of suicide in construction being 4.7x […]